What's New

Some posters are displayed on the third floor to share the mathematics world with our students beyond the textbooks.

Tak Sun Cup Mathematics Competition 2010-2011
(Round 1 - Individual) had been held on 27th November, 2010.

71 students from 12 primary schools took part in this
competition. Finally, ÃÓ¯E±l from T.W.G.Hs Sin Chu Wan Primary School won the individual champion.


Mathematics Subject Stream

Mathematics is essential in the school curriculum of Hong Kong, as it is:

  • a powerful means of communication;
  • a tool for studying other disciplines;
  • an intellectual endeavour and a mode of thinking; and
  • a discipline, through which students can develop their ability to appreciate the beauty of nature, think logically and make sound judgments.

Mathematics is valuable to help students develop necessary skills for lifelong learning. It is an integral part of general education and hence an important KLA in the Hong Kong school curriculum.


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