Financial Assistance (Love and Care Grant) Estimator - by Tak Sun Secondary School

Income HK$ (Annual)
From Applicant:  
From Applicant's spouse:  
From Applicant's unmarried children
residing with the family:
From Applicant's relatives/friends:  
Total Family Member :
* including the dependent parent(s) who are supported by the applicant and/or his/her spouse.
   (Please refer to the Guidance Notes on Application for Assessment of Eligibility
   for definition of  "Dependent Parent")

Please note:  This Estimator is based on annual income only.  The total asset and expenses of the
family will be considered upon receipt of the fee remission application which may affect the result.
The School has the sole discretion in granting any fee remission and the amount thereof;
the decision of the School is final.

For further information, please go to